Sonia Urquiza Royo is the founding partner and office managing director at URA Urquiza Abogados, in addition to managing the Mercantile Law Department.
She has a long experience in operations related to mercantile consultancy for companies, with special emphasis on M&A, mercantile contracts, real estate law, tourism law, financial restructuring, renewable energies and Secretary of board of directors, among others.
Recurring advisor to top-level companies with presence in the Canary Islands as well as the rest of the country, and also those with international presence. She regularly provides advice on major real estate operations, as well as to companies that operate in sectors such as healthcare, tourism, technology, energy, management of major shopping centres, large-scale commercial distribution, centralised procurement and family businesses.
She also has a wide experience of corporate consultancy, acting as Secretary of boards of directors and proxy to various top-level companies.
Former Professor of Mercantile Law of the degree course in Company Administration and Management at the “European School of Management” (ESM) with double qualification by the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC).
Professor of Mercantile Law of the Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the “European School of Management” (ESM).
Frequently participates as a speaker in diverse forums related to Mercantile and Company Law.
Has been a member of the Bar Association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife since 28 January 2003.
Commenced her career in 1999 in the Tax Law Department of Garrigues & Andersen.
In 2004, she joined the Mercantile Procedural Law Department at the firm Abogados Asociados Viera y Clavijo 62, practicing in the fields of Litigation and Arbitration, Mercantile Contracts and Company Law.
In 2007, she returned to Garrigues as Senior Associate in the Mercantile Law Department, being named Principal Associate in 2014.
In June 2016, she founded the firm URA Urquiza Abogados and is now the managing partner of the URA Urquiza Abogados offices in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and she also directs the Mercantile Procedural Law Department.
In March 2018, due to incorporation of the firm URA Urquiza Abogados, she was granted the “Woman Entrepreneur 2017” prize by the magazine “Más Mujer”, an editorial production of the “Más Media Group”, distributed by the newspaper “Diario de Avisos”.
In 2022, it was awarded in Spain in the "Commercial Contracting" category by "International Advisory Experts," a global alliance of legal and tax advisory firms.
In 2022, it was also recognized by the Tribuna de Canarias Communication Group with the "Best Professional Firm" award.
She has been recognized for six consecutive years, from 2020 to 2025, in the international directory Best Lawyers for her work in "Corporate and M&A."
Graduate in Law, specialised in Community Law, at the Universidad San Pablo C.E.U., Madrid (1994-1999).
Diploma it Community and Spanish Competition Law, Ramón Carande Centre for Higher Education, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (1999).
Top Management Programme, IE Business School (2006).
Diploma in Anglo American Law, Garrigues Study Centre (2008).
- GARRIGUES & ANDERSEN. Lawyer in the Tax Law Department (1999 – 2003).
- ABOGADOS ASOCIADOS VIERA Y CLAVIJO 62. Lawyer in the Mercantile Procedural Law Department (2003-2007).
- GARRIGUES. Principal Associate in the Mercantile Law Department (2007-2016).
- URA URQUIZA ABOGADOS. Founding partner and partner in charge of the Mercantile Law Department (2016 – present).
Non-director Secretary to the Board of Directors of “Hospiten Holding, S.A.” (BORME no. 229 of 25 August 2017).
Non-director Secretary to “Asociación de Centros Hospitalarios Privados de la Provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife” (ASHOTEN).
Non-director Secretary to the Board of Directors of “Terra Fortunata, S.A. (BORME no. 58 of 24 March 2017).
Non-director Secretary to the Board of Directors of “Enjoysea Booking, S.L.” (BORME no. 162 of 18 November 2016).
Secretary to the Board of Governors of Asociación Más Mujer Canarias (AMMCA).
Non-director Secretary to the Board of Directors of “Propiedades Olsen, S.A.” (BORME no. 248 of 30 December 2019).
- Secretary non-director of the Board of Directors of "Active Capital Inversiones, S.L." (BORME no. 52 of 15 March 2023).
Mergers and Acquisitions
Real estate law
Mercantile contracts
Tourism law
Financial restructuring
Family business
Board of Directors Secretariat
Co-author of Manual of European and Spanish Competition Law, Initiation Course, Volume II, “Oligopoly and the dominant collective position”, 1999, pages 225-240.
Author of diverse articles on mercantile subjects in the magazine FYDE, Fundación Formación y Desarrollo Empresarial CajaCanarias, in the magazine of the Asociación Hotelera y Extrahotelera de Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera y el Hierro (ASHOTEL) and in the magazine of the Confederación Española de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos (CEHAT).
- English
- French
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